Frequently Asked Questions

The information on this page is general and may be subject to change. We strongly encourage you to check the website of your preferred field of study and the American University of Armenia’s Undergraduate Admissions Policies for detailed information regarding the programs, the admissions process and more.  If these FAQs do not answer your question, please email the Office of Admissions at [email protected].


1. What undergraduate degrees does AUA offer?

AUA offers four year undergraduate degrees in the following undergraduate degrees:

» BA in Business (BAB)
» BA in English & Communications (BAEC)
» BA in Politics & Governance (BAPG) 
» BS in Computer Science (BSCS)

» BS in Data Science (BSDS)
» BS in Engineering Sciences (BSES)
» BS in Environmental and Sustainability Sciences (BSESS)
» BS in Nursing (BSN)

Each is offered as part of a liberal arts education. We recommend you review these programs in detail on our Academic Programs page.

2. How long does it take to earn an undergraduate degree?

AUA’s undergraduate degrees typically take four years (30 months for BS in Nursing) to complete, assuming the typical course load of 5 courses (15 credits) per semester for two semesters per year.

3. What is the language of instruction?

The language of instruction at AUA is English. However, a select number of courses are delivered in Armenian or a foreign language that are noted in the course catalog.

4. Will international students who are not proficient in the Armenian language be required to take any courses in Armenian?
No. International students who are not proficient in the Armenian language will not be required to take any courses in Armenian.
5. Do I need to apply to a specific major?

Yes. In your application, you must indicate your preferred field of study under the Academic Plans section. You may also select a second preferred field of study. If initially denied to your preferred major, you may be considered for your second choice major, pending space availability. However, we strongly encourage you to select the major(s) you are interested in pursuing.

6. Can I change my major?

Yes. Undergraduate students may petition to change their major during their first two years of study. Petitions will only be considered AFTER the end of the first semester. A change of major is not automatic and depends upon, among other factors, available space in the program applied for and the student’s qualifications and preparedness for the program. Changing majors may require additional coursework and tuition payments and may cause delays in graduation. Please visit Program and Major Change policy to have detailed information.

7. Can I pursue my undergraduate studies as a part-time student?

No. AUA’s Bachelor’s Degrees are designed for full-time students. Students are typically expected to take five classes each semester, that will be offered during the day.

8. Is it possible to obtain credit for prior learning for certain courses I have already completed?

Yes, it is possible. If you are interested in transferring credits to AUA, visit our Transfer page for more information and the policy for detailed information, including general approval guidelines.


1. What is the tuition for AUA’s undergraduate programs?

Tuition rates for AUA’s undergraduate programs are listed here. Once you sign an educational contract, your tuition remains the same for the duration of your studies.

2. I'm not sure I can afford AUA's tuition. Do you offer financial aid?

Yes. AUA practices need-blind admissions; we help you finance your studies.

Citizens of the Republic of Armenia and Armenian Special Passport Holders receive an automatic 2,000,000 AMD annual subsidy off the total cost of their tuition. In addition, the University offers need-based and merit-based tuition assistance for Armenian citizens only that may discount the cost of education by up to 90%. International students are eligible for merit-based scholarships that cover up 50%.

Students admitted to the BS in Nursing program who are citizens of the Republic of Armenia will receive an automatic subsidy of 95% of tuition.

If you have concerns about the cost of education, visit this page to learn about the various tools available to help finance your education. We also encourage you to visit for more information and to contact a Financial Aid Counselor at [email protected].

3. When should I submit a tuition assistance application? Do I need to wait to receive an offer of admission?

If you plan on applying for tuition assistance (available to citizens of Armenia only), you must submit a separate application to the Office of Financial Aid at the same time. If you plan on applying for our early admissions deadline, you must apply by the Office of Financial Aid’s early deadline. And the same thing for regular & rolling applicants (subject to the availability of funds). For a list of the Financial Aid deadlines, visit

4. I plan on applying for Armenia’s 10 year Special Residency Status. Can I apply to AUA now or should I wait until I have received the special residency?

Yes, you may apply to AUA even if you do not yet have your 10 year special residency status. If you are accepted to AUA, your tuition will be reassessed during the execution of your education contract as long as you have already obtained the 10 year residency status. If for some reason there is a delay in receiving your 10 year residency status, please contact the Office of the Registrar to inquire about the possibility of reassessing your tuition.

Application Deadlines

1. What are the application deadlines?

AUA has two application deadlines: Early and Regular. The Rolling admission will be available for some programs (depending on capacity availability). Please visit our Deadline Dates page to find out the exact dates for each deadline.

2. I just received my official score report and am not happy with my score. I am planning on retaking it after the deadline to which I initially applied. Can I move my application to another deadline?

Yes. Just send an email request to [email protected], and we will move your application to the next deadline. However, if you plan on applying by the rolling deadline, this is not an option. 

But remember that AUA practices holistic admissions. Make sure to review our selection process page here to find out the automatic denial scores, along with entering class profile for the previous admission cycle.

3. Does AUA offer spring admission?

AUA does not offer spring admission at the undergraduate level.


1. What are the Admissions Requirements?

All requirements are listed under our Application Requirements page as well as in the instructions of the application. Please make sure to review both in detail. 

2. I am in my final year of high school. AUA’s application requirements list “Proof of High School Graduation.” Does that mean I cannot apply?

Yes, you can apply. If you are in your final year of high school, you must submit your current official transcript, including courses taken in your 10th and 11th grades.


Yes. AUA considers the following diplomas as proof of high school graduation:

  • Attestat
  • High School Diploma
  • IB Diploma
  • AB Diploma
  • GCSEs (8 subjects passed with grades of C or higher)
  • A-levels (3 A level exams with a result of C or higher)
  • GED (overall score of 660 with a minimum of 145 on each section)

Yes. IB graduates whose studies are in the English language are eligible for an English Language Proficiency Test waiver. If granted the waiver, you will be exempted from the TOEFL iBT or IELTS Academic exams.

In addition, you may receive credit for courses you have taken during your IB studies. For more information on general approval guidelines, transfer specifics, minimum grade requirements, and more, visit our Transfer Credit policy at

5. Is a recommendation letter required for undergraduate admission?

No. However, if you have a letter that you would like to be considered, you may upload it under the attachments section of your application.

6. Is there an application fee for undergraduate admission?

Yes. All applicants must pay a non-refundable application fee, which should be paid online through the online application system.

7. Should I mention my extracurricular activities (such as volunteering, sports, music, etc.) if I don’t have documented proof (for example, a certificate)?

Yes. List all your extracurricular activities from the past four years in the relevant section of the online application, regardless of whether you have proof. If you have documentation of participation, involvement, or awards received, attach them to your online application.

One frequent mistake applicants make is attaching proof of an activity without listing it in their application. Do NOT do this. The UAC will not consider these.

Submitting Your Application

1. When will the application be available?

We anticipate launching the Fall 2024 application on November 1, 2023.


2. To submit my application, do I need to have my official score report(s)?

It will be acceptable if AUA receives your official score report after the deadline. We require applicants to take all required exams by or on the deadline they plan to apply. But you must request to report your score to AUA while registering for the exam.

However, if you fail to submit your official score report to AUA (through the testing organization), your application will be marked as ineligible. Check the intuition codes for the entrance exams in the 2a and 2b paragraphs on the Application Requirement page.

3. I submitted my application and just realized I need to make changes and add some documents. Can I?

You will not be able to make any adjustments to your online application after you submit it. However, if the deadline to which you applied has not yet passed, email us your requested updates.

Changes, for example, adding test scores, updating essays, etc., may affect your deadline. When you email us your requested changes, we will let you know if they will result in a deadline change.

4. How do I know if my application is complete?

You will know your application is complete when the Office of Admissions notifies you via email after completing a technical eligibility review of your application. This typically takes up to four weeks after the admission deadline.


Applicants who submit complete applications by the early or regular deadlines will typically receive notification of their admission status by email within 10 weeks after the deadline to which they applied. As for the Rolling deadline, restricted to some programs, will be notified by the middle of July.

Selection Process

1. How can I guarantee my admission to AUA?

AUA practices holistic admissions. Submitted applications are initially screened for technical eligibility. If complete and eligible, the Undergraduate Admissions Committee conducts a thorough review of each application. This process may include an interview. As admission to AUA is competitive, the committee considers numerous factors as outlined on our selection page.

2. Are high school grades important?

Yes. High school grades are one of the components the Undergraduate Admissions Committee considers in their holistic review of all applications. If you are nervous that your high school grades are on the lower end, we encourage you to strengthen all other parts of your application. Visit here for more information about our holistic admissions process.

3. If I apply to AUA and am denied admission, can I apply again this year?

While we discourage applicants from applying more than once within the same academic year, you are technically able to do so. You will need to submit a new, complete application. You can schedule a meeting with the Office of Admissions to inquire about the reasons for your denial. Keep in mind that it is imperative that you submit a stronger application with new information or evidence that supports your ability to succeed in your studies at AUA. For more information, visit


1. Are all applicants invited to the interview?

Not all applicants are invited for an interview.

2. When should I expect to be called for an interview?

If the Undergraduate Admissions Committee flags you for an interview, it can take place between 6- 9 weeks after the admission deadline to which you applied. Rolling applicants may be called for interviews between 3 - 5 weeks.

3. If you call me for an interview, do I have to come to AUA PHYSICALLY?

The Office of Admissions conducts the admission interviews online. If you receive an interview invite, just make sure to read the instructions and confirm your attendance by email.

4. I can not attend the interview on the assigned date time. What should I do?

If you have a truly justified reason not to attend the interview, email [email protected] to request us to reschedule the date and time of your interview. We will try to accommodate your request as much as possible.

5. In what language is the interview conducted?

All interviews are conducted in English.

6. How long is the interview?

Most admissions interviews last for no more than eight minutes.  

7. What will you ask me during the interview?

The interview is a conversation that will help us know you better. Some of the common questions include the following: 

  • Why are you interested in studying at AUA?
  • What do you know about your program of interest?
  • What classes are you interested in taking? 
  • What challenges do you expect studying at AUA?
  • What are your future career goals?
8. I have heard that applicants who are invited for an interview have problems with their application. Is this true?

No. An interview invite does NOT signal that there is something “wrong” with your application. More often than not, it is simply because the Undergraduate Admissions Committee has some questions regarding your application.

9. All of my friends have been invited to an interview. I have not. Does this mean I will get an offer of admission?

Not necessarily. If you are not invited for an interview, you will receive one of the following statuses:

  • Admission
  • Deferral (to the next available deadline)
  • Denial
10. Who is on the interview panel?

The interview panel consists of at least one faculty member and an admissions representative. The interview panel DOES NOT make decisions on admission status. They simply relay information to the Undergraduate Admissions Committee who makes the ultimate admissions decisions.


1. Is an AUA degree recognized outside of Armenia?

Yes. The American University of Armenia is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission, 1001 Marina Village Parkway, Suite 402, Alameda, CA 94501, 510.748.9001,

2. Will graduating from AUA improve my chances of continuing my studies at AUA or abroad?

A U.S. accredited undergraduate degree may improve a graduate’s chances of acceptance to an AUA graduate program or a graduate program abroad.

3. Can students transfer from AUA to another university?

Transferring credits from AUA to another university is no different than transferring credits from any American-accredited university to another university. Students will need to check the other university’s transfer policy.


1. Does AUA offer student housing?

Yes. Please visit our Housing page for detailed information.

2. Where is AUA's faculty from?

AUA’s faculty brings world-class education, teaching, and professional experience to the classrooms and students of the University. They hold advanced degrees from renowned universities, including Cambridge, Columbia, Harvard, McGill, MIT, Moscow State, Stanford, Yerevan State, and others. They represent a range of professional experiences, including CEOs of leading local companies, entrepreneurs, technology consultants, IT visionaries, media professionals, published authors, government advisors, partners at major global accounting firms, bankers, and more.

3. Do individuals need a Visa to study in Armenia?

Yes. Foreign nationals need valid travel documents to enter Armenia. Individuals must ensure they apply for and obtain a passport in time to obtain the necessary visas for Armenia. Some countries require that passports have a minimum of six months validity for travel purposes. To have detailed information about the visa, you need to email Anzhela Balasanyan the Coordinator of International Student Services [email protected].

4. What if I am admitted to AUA and then called to serve in the military? What options do I have?

If you are admitted to AUA and then called to serve in the military, AUA will provide you with the option to defer your admission for two years. Admitted male students who sign a contract with AUA at the time of admissions can ensure that their annual tuition is fixed at the contract rate. This ensures that tuition does not increase during their studies.

5. Can I receive military deferment from AUA?

According to the Law of the Republic of Armenia on Military Service and the Status of Military Serviceman, universities do not provide military deferment to admitted students. If you are interested in obtaining military deferment, please check with the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports and the Ministry of Defense.

6. I’ve heard that AUA has Armenia’s equivalent of a college (քոլեջ). Is this true?

No. AUA does not have a high school or equivalent.